It's undeniable that the way we find music has changed since the internet became available on a widespread basis. Now, you can argue if that's good or bad, but that's for another time, and maybe another blog. But the way we can access music has changed. Some bands, and it seems to me an increasing number, use the internet to reach people that wouldn't normally be able to easily, if it all, get to hear there music. Albums may be streamed or tracks made available.
In the latter category fall The Rural Alberta Advantage. I'd read in a couple of places about them so I went to their website and had a look around. They had 2 songs for download. So I downloaded them and fell in love. I decided to buy their album, Hometowns, but my wife beat me to it and bought me it for Valentine's Day.
It was even better than I'd hoped. Comparisons with Neutral Milk Hotel are often drawn in album reviews and that is valid to a point, especially as lead vocalist Nils Edenloff does sound like Jeff Magnum. But to just listen to it expecting a Neutral Milk Hotel clone does the album a disservice. It's a great album in it's own right. The songs are well written, the playing is great, especially the drumming, and the lyrics are delivered in a way that sounds heartfelt without being overbearing.
Simply put it's an awesome album. The Rural Alberta Advantage were signed to Saddle Creek and the album will be re-issued on CD and LP. it's due for retail release on July 7th, but if you preorder it'll be dispatched on June 23rd, and you get a full digital download on buying the album. I know I'm starting to sound like a commercial for the album now, so I'll stop. But it is really, really good.
Don't Haunt This Place
You can preorder the album here.
1 day ago
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