You've probably all heard about this, even if you haven't heard it. In case you haven't Kid 17 is all the tracks from Kid A. Each track is played twice, the second one with a 17 second delay. It sounds awful, but in general it works pretty well.
I'm not going to go into huge detail here about the backstory, if you're interested enough and don't already know about it there's plenty available via Google.
Radiohead's music is pretty subjective, lots of people love them but people who dislike them tend to really dislike them, I haven't met many music fans with no real opinion on them. Obviously something like Kid 17 is even more subjective. The tracks that some people like are disliked by others. So listen for yourself and see what you like.
And lastly, if you're wondering why I'm offering something that has been around for a while and is fairly well known its because I've seen very few places offer the full album. So here it is, track by track or with a full album download at the end.
Everything In Its Right Place There's a really long silent pause at the end of this track for some reason.
Kid A
The National Anthem Personally I think this is the best track on the album by far. The 17 second version works so well, especially the jazz playing instrumental section towards the end which is exquisite. The first time I heard this was like the first time I saw any of Paul Rooney's art (Flat 23 if you're interested).
How To Disappear Completely Another very good mix.
Treefingers This syncs probably better than any other track, it is seamless.
Optimistic This is to my ears the worst song, the vocals clash and jar instead of complementing like the other tracks.
In Limbo
Idioteque Another one of the best mixes here.
Morning Bell
Motion Picture Soundtrack
Full album zip file.
1 day ago
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