i guess pretty soon I'll be moving this to a different site. It isn't the best blog in the world, I'm well aware of that. But I've put a fair amount of time into it and I'd be pretty annoyed if it got deleted. Actually, I'd probably be raging. So its best all round if I move it. But that's a topic for another post. For now, let's move on to the music.
Jingle Jangle Morning by Mary Lou Lord. Researching her career I came across this quote about a confrontation with Courtney Love "It ended with me wetting myself and hiding from her in an alleyway after both of our tops had fallen down and she had chased me down Sunset Strip." I've got nothing to add.
There's An End by Holly Golightly. Guest vocalist on The White Stripes' Elephant she fills the role of over the top Englishness. There's nothing more we love than a cup of tea. Except football violence of course.
Out Of The Blue by Yonder Mountain String Band. This is pretty much indescribable, you really need to listen to it yourself. It is bluegrass, but its bluegrass for people who hate bluegrass. And for people who love bluegrass.
Velvet Underground by Jonathan Richman. For a long time I disliked Jonathan Richman and I have no idea why. I came across this track by chance on Hype Machine and started listening to more and more of his music. I was a fool to ever hold him in disdain and I try and make amends by playing some Jonathan Richman to more or less everyone I can. This means you too readers.
Another Horsedreamer's Blues by Counting Crows. After Automatic For The People the next album I really fell in love with was August and Everything After. These two albums formed the backbone of my listening habits, aided by Virgin Radio. Recovering the Satellites was finally released after what seemed like the longest wait for an album ever. It took so long to release that I'd already fallen in love with Suede and Britpop. This song is from Recovering the Satellites, I think its a great album but it never really got the praise or success that August and Everything After did.
Things The Grandchildren Should Know by Eels.
Bonus Eels track: Hey Man (Now You're Really Living).
Eels are one of those bands that I find it hard to choose songs from. I was tempted to put Jehovah's Witness here or Theme For A Pretty Girl That Makes You Believe In God or a live version of It's A Motherfucker with strings. That's part of the reason there's a bonus track. The reason I chose Hey Man (Now You're Really Living) in particular though is different. A month or so before I started this blog I was at the fair with my wife and kids and I had this song stuck in my head. I'd been toying with the idea of starting a blog for a while. On the way back from the fair I mentioned it to my wife, she told me it was a great idea and encouraged me to do it. We spent the journey home trying to think of names for the blog. Her favourite was The Music Snob, which I didn't choose because I'm not. Anyway, the whole time we were at the fair Hey Man (Now You're Really Living) was stuck in my head. So I thought I should post it before I moved the blog.
One final thought that probably is interesting only to me. I use Opera as my browser and it has a built in spellchecker. Generally it is a useful addition but it has some interesting omissions from its dictionary. For instance blog isn't recognised but motherfucker is. See you tomorrow for Covers.
1 day ago
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