Friday, 20 June 2014

Here's the thing

I know it's been a while since I posted, much longer than I wanted. I've been thinking about what I want the blog to be and what it's actually been since I re-started it. I want it to be a few things but mainly they can all be summed up as, I want it to be somewhere I can write about the things I want to write about. Somewhere to get my ideas and music and film and books out of my head and down somewhere. I hope that this will help me clarify why I feel the way about certain things, why I like the things I do. I hope it'll help sharpen my writing up too. I was pretty happy where it was when I was blogging regularly, now I've not only failed to continue to improve, I've regressed. I want to turn that around.

When you're a kid people ask you what you want to be when you grow up. I still don't know, I'm 34, but I do know that what I don't want to do any more is my current job. Don't worry, this isn't going to be a 'poor me I'm so unfulfilled' post. The truth is I am fulfilled in pretty much everyway. My family (now might be a good time to mention that there was no Music for Sunday last week because it was Father's Day and my daughter was determined to spend as much of the day letting me do as little as possible. It was lovely), my friends, all the things I love to do.  But not work. I want to do something else. I don't know how doing this blog will in any way help me do that, but it is at least doing something else. Something that is, even if only in a small way, productive. And something that is productive for me, again maybe only in a small way, and not for a huge company. I don't hate my job by any stretch of the imagination, I'm just utterly bored by it. Thinking about what I want to write about in my blog is a good, here's that word again, productive way to help pass the time. But if I don't ever do it, if I just think about it, then it's not really helping at all.

I'm aware that this hasn't really explained much in the way of why I haven't been blogging. Mainly the purpose of this post was to shake off the inertia and get something down. I guess in a lot of ways everything I wanted to say could have been better expressed by Frank Turner's song Photosynthesis. If you aren't familiar with his music you really need to get familiar with it. Start now.

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