1st of November, and an absolutely awful day. Autumn has begun in earnest. I console myself that if I still lived where I was born the weather would have been worse than this earlier. Enough talk of the climate, here are your covers for this week:
Take It Or Leave It - Artic Monkeys (originaly by The Strokes)
Denial Twist - Nikka Costa (originally by The White Stripes)
O Dana - Okkervil River (originally by Big Star)
I Don't Want To Get Over You - Mary Lou Lord (originally by Magnetic Fields)
Tell Me Now So I Know - Holly Golightly (originally by The Kinks) I'm always pleasantly suprised by how popular songs by The Kinks are, regardless of who is covering them or how well known the song is. Such good taste should be encouraged so I've decided to include another Kinks song. They will, eventually, have a post all of their own.
99 Red Balloons by Kevin Davis (originally by Nina) Some songs get filed away in obscure categories. The original version of 99 Red Balloons is one of those, it's my second favourite song about nuclear holocaust. What can I say, I grew up in the 80's, they were very odd times. In case you're wondering my favourite song about nuclear holocaust is John Cale's Dr. Mudd which is, subject matter aside, the complete opposite of 99 Red Balloons. It's in one of my earlier blogs, so if you want a listen you can find & download it here.
1 day ago
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