Friday, 13 November 2009

Uncovered on Friday

I thought this would make a nice companion to Covers on Sunday. The idea is all the bands I've featured covering songs will, as far as possible, be included doing an original song.

I intend to follow the Covers for Sunday order fairly closely. The exceptions will be bands that I can only find covers by (Redbird for example) and bands that have been featured more than once in Covers for Sunday.

I Felt Like Smashing My Head Through a Clear Glass Window - Of Montreal. The first track by Of Montreal I ever heard, I think it's fitting it's the first original track by them I post here.

Get Me Away from Here, I'm Dying - Belle and Sebastian. I was going to post a little selection of lyrics from this song, but I can't narrow it down at all, this is just a phenomenal pop song.

Hope - REM. After Automatic For The People and Monster came out there were somewhat look receptions for New Adventures in Hi-Fi and then Up. I loved them both, and I still do. This comes from Hope, which reached number 2 in the charts, REM's previous 4 albums had all reached number 1. Their next album, Reveal, reached number 1. personally I thought it was a weak album rescued by a few decent tracks. An example of a band trying to move back a decade or so and recreate a sound they'd evolved away from. And then came Around the Sun which was utter shite and reached number one as well. It's too late for me to turn this into anything coherent so on to the next song.

Al otro lado del río - Jorge Drexler. Let's keep it short and sweet. This is only the second non-English language track to win an Academy Award for Best Original Song (it features in Motorcycle Diaries).

Hate To Say I Told You So - The Hives. To properly understand why The Hives were so popular in 2001 you only have to listen to some of the music that was being played on alternative radio stations post Britpop. On second thoughts, don't.

Fuel for Fire - M. Ward. This reminds me, I still haven't bought the Monsters Of Folk album, I must fix that.

1 comment:

  1. I agree about hope. I was going to mention that I thought it was one of the least appreciated REM songs before I got sidetracked onto my rant. I think New Adventures in Hi Fi and Up are both full of songs that are underrated. But that's all I'll say for now or I'll find myself ranting about how poor Around The Sun and Reveal are. Again.
