Well, so much for having this and the cover post up for Tuesday. Never mind this is, obviously, up now and the covers post will be tomorrow. As a sort of apology for keeping you all waiting I'll make it a double post, so there'll be 12 covers instead of the usual 6.
But that's for tomorrow. First, here are your six live tracks.
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd, live at Live 8. Easily one of my favourite live performances the live set by Pink Floyd was immense. It's a shame Live 8 was spoiled by ending it with Robbie Williams.
Someday - The Strokes, live on Conan O'Brien. Not literally on Conan O'Brien of course. I've posted this to celebrate their upcoming headline slot at the Isle of Wight festival.
Lump - Presidents of the United States. One of my favourite bands at college recorded a Daytrotter session in 2007, which this track comes from.
Petrol - Ash. Suprisingly, to me at least, Ash's cover of Does Your Mother Know is one of the most popular songs I've hosted on this blog. Hopefully you'll enjoy this just as much.
Living With You Now - Aidan Moffat & The Best-Ofs, live at The ABC in Glasgow. AKA What the lead singer from Arab Strap did next. On the off chance you haven't heard Arab Strap, or think it's just an amusing Belle & Sebastian album title, shame on you.
Going Up To The Country And Paint My Mailbox Blue - Taj Mahal. I've been a fan of blues music since I was 17, but this is the first blues track I've posted on this blog. Shame on me.
See you tomorrow for the double covers post.
1 day ago
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