I've decided to stop the live track posts for a while, or maybe permanently. It's not been as enjoyable lately, and having three series that need posting on the weekend isn't always practical. So instead we'll have Uncovered on Friday or Saturday (but I guess mostly Friday) and Covers on Sunday. I'm gonna try and make more 'random' non-series posts and, sometime soon, start a Wednesday series. More details to come on that, hopefully soon.
Anyway, the uncovered tracks.
Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash. This was a hard song to choose. Johnny Cash recorded for nearly 50 years. I was undecided, should I post one of his more famous songs or one of my personal favourites? Maybe a more obscure song, so there'd be more chance of people finding something they hadn't heard before. However I couldn't get past Folsom Prison Blues. Possibly my favourite Johnny Cash song and certainly one of his most well known, when there's an opportunity to post a song this good it's hard to turn down.
Fatalist Palmistry by Why? My first choice for Why? was These Few Presidents, but checking back I see I've posted it before. Which left a bit of a conundrum. These Few Presidents is far and away my favourite Why? song but I don't really have a second favourite, except perhaps the cover of Close To Me which I posted back in July. That's not to say I don't like this song, I do. There are just a bunch of really good songs and I found it hard to choose a particular favourite. So this was chosen basically at random. I'm sure you'll enjoy it anyway.
Better Together by Jack Johnson. It's such a nice song, and he seems such a nice guy but really this isn't my cup of tea at all. It's the sort of thing my wife will occasionally listen to and I'm happy to listen to it with her.
Housewife by Jay Brannan. Outside of his cover of Zombie I didn't really know much about Jay Brannan. I listened to some more of his music to prepare for this post and I'm still not sure. I like this, but I'm not sure if I'll remember it in a week or so. Perhaps so. Anyway, the cello in this is well worth listening to.
Boy With A Coin by Iron and Wine. The thing I like most in this is the handclap style percussion. It fits perfectly with the song. I can't think of anything else to say except I think this song is really, really good.
Sax Rohmer #1 by The Mountain Goats. Another difficult choice because so much of The Mountain Goats stuff is so good. I'll be doing a post on them soon, so all you disbelievers can be converted then.
Enjoy the tracks.
1 day ago
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